So here I have decided to give out some free advice for all my Muslim gal pals out there about looking your best even while wearing Islamic clothes like abayas and hijabs. The first thing that you should be conscious about being a Muslim is to always pick out outfits that are modest and do not allow any sort of inappropriate exposure of the body. It is completely untrue that women wearing abayas lack fashion sense, are dumb or boring. Wearing abayas and hijabs that are styled in vogue, flattering cuts and in complimentary colours can make you appear chic, stylish and modest.
By reinterpreting elements from the western designer fashions and the rich cultural and Islamic heritage of her background, Mysha Collections has infused abaya designs with pure indulgence in fabrics and textures with a twist of modern appeal.
This has attracted and generated a complete new deprived segment of the market and their designs are now embraced by young students to business professionals from all over the world- all of these women all have one thing in mind...modesty!
The most important thing that determines a right abaya is the choice of colour palettes. Wear colours that compliment your complexion and suit the climate and occasion. Wearing dark coloured or woolen abayas in the hot summer days is definitely a fashion faux. Choose soothing colours like pastels, beiges, coral, pinks and big pink floral patterns. Your evening wear jilbabs can have some bling on brighter shades of pinks, purples and blue.
If you want to create a look that is perfect for the particular occasion, select a flattering colour which would compliment your complexion.