F4-Programmer's Resurrection of The digital world
March 05, 2011
iToonTV Network
One's life does not depend on what he has but how he is addressing from what he already has. including me as one of them and I am the founder of a special group of F4-Programmer. as most people probably know we have no other signs of who we really are sure we're just ordinary people who strive to be the best for everyone including our beloved family. Hery and my name stands for my name is Hery Hidayat. I reside in Depok which is the ideal city to take the city we all dream which is still affected by the disaster that has not been solved as a whole against what the problems on the occurrence of floods. I hope all the disasters we are experiencing can be resolved as quickly as possible and also include congestion that occurred in Jakarta as a neighboring town to the border of the city of Depok, Jakarta. I'm thinking and not just thinking but want to act against any disaster let alone the lives that are mostly our own fault with the environment around us. hmm, F4-Programmer must act and may only be able to participate to build and solve general problems. F4-Programmer is to provide all forms of the program in solving any problems both real and virtual life. here in the virtual life F4-Programmer will provide soulusi against any attempt to resolve the mission and his vision for helping others who make life better, amen! Let F4-Programmer time to take action and implement what we do, go F4! by: Zein on F4-Programmer_(Regeneration F4-Programmer Both Real and Virtual Life#01)