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[STAR DIARY] Lee Min-ho - Part 8
Korean actor Lee Min-ho [Starhaus Entertainment]
"Boys over Flowers" had finally premiered on television. "I was monitoring the first episode too and it was really fun. I always find my dramas to be fun. Haha".
But Lee started gaining some anti-fans after the first episode. "After the premiere episode, there were many responses like 'What is up with his hair' and 'he looks cheesy'. But I think it worked out for the better because it made a strong impact from the start and then they started supporting me from the second episode on. Really, they became crazier about me. People were talking about 'Boys over Flowers' all over the Internet".
It was during the location shoot in Daegu that Goo Joon-pyo, or Lee Min-ho felt like he "made it". "I went down to Daegu for a shoot and a lot of fans showed up to watch. I think around 2,000 people came and we couldn't shoot there so we came back. I thought, 'Ah, this drama has made it'."
However, Lee was unable to fully realize his popularity during the shooting because he was busy working on the show. "All I remember about the shooting is that it was exhausting. I worked every single day. And from about halfway in, it was really hard because I had to shoot commercials and other stuff too. I would go sleep in the car whenever I got the chance to and wake up and act when shooting started. Then I would go right back to sleep".
With little sleep and all work, It was only natural that his body would feel worn out. "I think I stayed up for like four nights and it was hard just to keep my eyes open. I didn't even know if I was saying my lines properly. It's like I was acting without being aware of I'm doing".
"Once I caught a cold after shooting in a swimming pool that had ice in it. I knew that I was feeling quite unwell but I had a rugby scene to shoot right after. In the middle of shooting the rugby scene, I threw up and was taken to the emergency room".
But Lee Min-ho always gets energy from the support of his fans. "I just like that when I show up somewhere, I can hear the instantaneous cheers. The louder, the better, I think. There are times I feel disappointed when I don't hear the cheers. I think all actors feel that way". (laugh)
Korean actor Lee Min-ho [Starhaus Entertainment]
Reporter : Ko Jae-wan star@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
Source : ( English Korean )