Orchestra of DV will BOF Andre Kim fashion show in Shanghai?

All news about Lee MinHo/ Lee Minho tre trung voi thoi trang Trugen

All news about Lee MinHo/ Lee Minho tre trung voi thoi trang Trugen

The main cast of the BOF, including female F4 and Goo Hye Sun is likely to be a fashion show by famous designer Andre Kim in Shanghai on 04/22 here.

Andre Kim is often invites celebrities to model in his performances but this is the first time all the actors of a drama on stage appeared Andre Kim fashion.

Reportedly, so far, and Kim Joon Goo Hye Sun has been officially accepted. Now F3 Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum fanmeeting due to participate in Japan on 04/16, so they can not determine whether to Shanghai. But for the F3, although this can not participate, they will certainly be present at charity fashion show to raise money for Children's Fund of Andre Kim later this year.

Andre Kim has won many compliments from BOF "In addition to attractive content, the main cast of the BOF is excellent. I believe just based on this cast, though not adapted from the popular comic strip, most movies also to achieve success. "

Currently, the BOF on ratings reached 30%, maintaining the top of Group 2 & 3 movie Thursday night weekly. Recent rumors of the film appears will last two more practice.