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Statistics on Anime & Manga searches in the US
I found this cool online tool, through Austin Otaku’s blog, that let’s you view statistics on Google searches and see the locations where the searches are coming from. It’s called Google Insights. It’s still in beta version, but it’s free to use so check it out if you’re interested in search statistics.
So, let’s look at statistics on anime and manga queries.
Here are the top 10 states in the US where people search for anime and manga related stuff on Google. The blue line represents anime and the red line manga.
It’s not so surprising that we find Hawaii in first place, as it is the state closest to Japan and a popular vacation spot for Japanese people. What is surprising though, as my source also noted, is that Texas is in fourth place. Who would have guessed that they love Japanese pop culture that much in a state more known for it’s tough cowboys, ranchers and oil drillers. Sorry for stereotyping!
Here’s two maps where you can see an overview of where the most searches are coming from. Blue map represents anime searches and red map manga searches.
And what were the top 10 search keywords and phrases for anime and manga in the US from 2004 to present?
- free anime
- online anime
- anime girls
- manga
- anime games
- naruto anime
- naruto
- download anime
- anime videos
- anime girl
So in conclusion, Americans love free online anime that include girls and Naruto is still King!
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