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Latest Eclipse Plugin for JavaFX 1.2.1
Last week, the Eclipse plugin for JavaFX 1.2.1 was released. This is an important update since June 2009 and it is a good news to Eclipse users. Because Sun is the development force behind NetBeans, NetBeans naturally becomes the “default” IDE of JavaFX. This is why JavaFX SDK is usually bundled with NetBeans for download.
I think Eclipse and NetBeans both are excellent open source IDEs for Java developers. They provide comparable features and functions. The only sad thing is that their plug-ins are not compatible with each other. Therefore, the JavaFX plug-ins must be developed separately for Eclipse and NetBeans. I personally do not have much preference from one over the other. For people who get used to the Eclipse environment have been longing for a nice JavaFX IDE without being forced to switch to NetBeans. This newly released JavaFX plug-in not only provides the support of the latest SDK 1.2.1, but also can import NetBeans projects directly. You know this helps a lot because many sample codes are coming as a NetBeans project.
If you are a fan of Eclipse( and javaFX ), you should definitely check out this plug-in here:
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