JavaFX Tips and Tricks: Invoking JavaFX Functions from Java

Tophat-wandOccasionally the requirement arises to call a JavaFX function from within a Java method. I needed to do this yesterday, so I thought I'd take a moment to explain a way to do this in three simple steps:
  1. Create a Java interface
  2. Extend the interface with a JavaFX class, implementing any functions defined by the interface
  3. Obtain a reference to, and call a function of, the JavaFX class defined by the interface

Here are snippets of the code that I created yesterday in the context of the steps listed above:

Create the Java interface

public interface UniverseHandler {
public void onSphereClicked(SphereBranch sphereBranch);

Extend the interface with a JavaFX class, implementing any functions defined by the interface

public class WindshieldModel extends UniverseHandler {
...model code omitted...

* This is called when user clicks a sphere on the 3D Canvas
public override function onSphereClicked(sphereBranch:SphereBranch) {
curSphereBranch = sphereBranch;

Obtain a reference to, and call a function of, the JavaFX class defined by the interface


The universeHandler was passed into the constructor of the Java class.

Thanks again to for their lightweight 3D canvas and classes that enable JavaFX/Java 3D integration!


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