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The Master F4-Programmer
Tips and of trik in this case become good child, surely still is considerable [of] he..he. Because in fact the assessed is not from outside but from its heartfelt liver, candid in experiencing existing program. I even also have understood purposes and objectives forwards later will how and any kind of drawn up to face and plunge to IT-NYA globally. At the (time) of [in] class even also and moments after day of tes written to finish, I [is] even also called [by] tuk attend meeting to room which later of ditindaklanjuti process selection from every pupil which later will become router of class sisters in the future. [In] my class, only myself which follow possible there [is] sih which follow but is very [of] respon about of this thing also there [is] but how yes, wait deh after me narrate this one beforehand. I and my direct friends attend to room. Then what is it? Over there a becoming headmaster have come to us as very big honour to us because our degree [is] higher the than other ordinary child. Kok can so yes, what this matter is not fair to all of you? I feel fair because something to be given will become our responsibility as my school which [is] have bases [to] of IT. What is it IT with SMA Plus of PGRI Cibinong? Headmaster of SMA Plus of PGRI Cibinong, Drs. Basyarudin Thayib, M.Pd first, nowadays and which [is] kan come planing school we able to enter international level [do] not only study which [in] deepening pupil in studying science [in] every other school but also can tuk can plunge to world work with talent to be guided by every teacher [so that/ to be] entire/all its ability [is] sharpened better and form good personality also.
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