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My About The F4-Programmer III
Progressively day, progressively I understand and I know in the reality my school there [is] organization besides OSIS. real Bizzare but though [in] other schools [there] no organization besides OSIS. I [do] not know why me more interest with Kopasus IT. But, don't be wrong at that time I also thirst for to become member of OSIS as form a leader of period to come in attainment of forming of my person in assocciation of public among society later in face of new order. Seen to be my aspiration like wishing to become president but not also tuk wish to deepen IT, then what? That is as doctor. Ga nyambung Lho yes. Become like this in fact me [is] one who can be told one who smart and high multiintelektual memilki. How yes explaining [him/ it] I sorrowful also will leave to feel my dream to my aspiration as doctor. [Do] not the problem of becoming programmer even also and or about which dealt only with IT is not bad banget.
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* * * * * * * F4-Programmer II * * * * * * * First time my register x'self as schoolboy of SMA Plus of PGRI Cibinong which I pride upon,...